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グループの紹介 Introduction of Photo Group 1
暮れ行く時間(とき)/No.2 目覚める世界
消え行く太陽の残像-Afterimage of disappearing sun- 紅輝く空-Sky shining crimson- 眠り始める森-Forest beginning to sleep- 黄昏に消え行く浜辺-Shore disappearing into twilight-
No.2 目覚める世界Completed...
光に溶け行く闇-Darkness dissolving into light- 輝きを育む森-Forest developping shine- 黄金色の水面(みなも)-Golden surface of water- 朝に戯れる鳥達-Birds playing in the morning- 朝に戯れる鳥達2-Birds playing in the morning 2- 朝の光の中へ・・・-Into the morning sunlight...-
No.3 輝ける埠頭/No.4 花と木々の季節に
目覚めへの布告-Proclamation to wake up- 暫しの休息-Rest for a while- もう一方の主役達-Other leading parts-
No.4 花と木々の季節にCompleted... + Updated!
春ひとときの饗宴-Banquet at the time of Spring- 人知れず咲く花よ-Flowers blooming secretly- ささやかなる第二の饗宴-Modest second banquet- 春ひとときの饗宴2-Banquet at the time of Spring 2- 人知れず咲く花よ2-Flowers blooming secretly 2- ささやかなる第二の饗宴2-Modest second banquet 2- 夜を彩る桜花1-Cherry blossoms coloring night 1- 夜を彩る桜花2-Cherry blossoms coloring night 2- 皐月の花束-Bouquet of May- 皐月の花束2-Bouquet of May- 春の使者-Messenger of spring- 間近に聞こえる春の足音-Footstep of spring closely heard-
No.5 水満つる月の幽姿/No.6 夏の光の花
灰差した空に浮かぶ緑陰-Green shade floating in the sky tinged with gray- 雨中に佇んで・・・-Standing still in the rain...- 雨中に佇んで・・・2-Standing still in the rain...2- 梅雨に花咲く四片(よひら)の花束-Bouquet formed with 4 petals blooming in rainy season- 梅雨に花咲く四片(よひら)の花束2-Bouquet formed with 4 petals blooming in rainy season 2- 梅雨に花咲く四片(よひら)の花束(特別編)-Bouquet formed with 4 petals blooming in rainy season
No.6 夏の光の花Completed...
闇に舞い散る光の花弁-Light Petals spreading into the night- 夏の光の花-Summer light flowers- 夏の光の花2-Summer light flowers 2- 光と音の万華鏡-Colorful mirrors made of light and sound- 光と音の万華鏡2-Colorful mirrors made of light and sound 2-
No.7 秋の若狭を巡りて/No.8 白秋の色彩を追って
三方五湖を巡りて-Traveling around Mikata five lakes- 三方五湖を見渡して-Taking a survey of Mikata five lakes- 若狭湾を巡りて-Traveling around Wakasa bay- 若狭湾を見渡して-Taking a survey of Wakasa Bay- 秋の空を見上げて-Looking up autumn sky-
No.8 白秋の色彩を追ってCompleted...
色付く並木道-Colored tree-lined street- 赤と黄の欠片達-Red or yellow pieces- 紅葉の大地に臨んで-Overlooking the land of autumn colors- 自然のRGB-Nature RGB-
No.9 黒冬を彩る光の演出/No.10 空の蒼、海の蒼
輝くメリーゴーランド-Blighting merry-go-round- 光のアーケード-Light arcade-華麗なる光の芸術-Gorgeous light arts-
No.10 空の蒼、海の蒼UPDATED!
爽やかな青空を見上げて-Looking up flesh blue sky- 海に泳ぎ舞う魚達-Swimming and dancing fished in the sea- 爽やかな青空を見上げて2-Looking up flesh blue sky 2- 海の蒼-Blue of sea- 南国の港-Harbor in southern island- 海の蒼2-Blue of sea 2- 南の島の動物達-Creatures on southern island- 空と雲が織り成す世界-The world woven by sky and clouds-離島の浜辺-Remote island beach- 離島の風景-Landscape of remote island-離島の遠景-Distant view of remote island-
No.11 花と木々の季節にⅡ/No.12 気ままな空の住人
春を彩る花の舞-Dance of flowers coloring spring- 春を彩る花の舞2-Dance of flowers coloring spring 2- 春を彩る花の舞3-Dance of flowers coloring spring 3- 麗しき皐月の花束1-Elegant Bouquets of May 1- 麗しき皐月の花束2-Elegant Bouquets of May 2-
No.12 気ままな空の住人
雲上の世界-World of Clouds1- 雲上の世界2-World of Clouds2- 青き空を雲が行く-Clouds going in the blue sky 1- 青き空を雲が行く2-Clouds going in the blue sky 2- 青き空を雲が行く3-Clouds going in the blue sky 3- 青き空を雲が行く4-Clouds going in the blue sky 4-
No.13 高原の1ページ/No.14 原始の風景
遠くに臨む山と残雪-Facing mountains and lingering snow in the distance1- 山と空と雲-Mountains, sky, and clouds1-遠い記憶を呼ぶ夏の高原-Summer plateau calling distant memory1-
No.14 原始の風景Updated!
太古の記憶を伝える海-Sea to convey the ancient memory 1-
No.15 港町を歩く/No.16 空の蒼、海の蒼Ⅱ
佇む漁港の主役達-Nestling protagonists of fishing port 1- 佇む漁港の主役達2-Nestling protagonists of fishing port 2-
No.16 空の蒼、海の蒼ⅡUpdated! 干潮時の南の浜辺-Southern beach at low tide 1-干潮時の南の浜辺2-Southern beach at low tide 2- 南の果ての蒼-Blue of the end of the south 1-南の果ての蒼2-Blue of the end of the south 2- 南の果ての蒼3-Blue of the end of the south 3-南の果ての蒼4-Blue of the end of the south 4- 南の果ての蒼5-Blue of the end of the south 5-南の島の動物達-Creatures on the southern island 1- 最果ての島を行く-Going around farthest island 1-
No.17 白秋の色彩を追ってⅡ
夜明けの時:初日の出を捉えた写真集です。Movie Group 1と連携します。
秋の山を彩る紅-Scarlet coloring autumn mountain 1-秋の山を彩る紅3-Scarlet coloring autumn mountain 2- 秋の山を彩る紅3-Scarlet coloring autumn mountain 3- 城址の紅葉-Autumn colors on castle ruin 1-城址の紅葉2-Autumn colors on castle ruin 2-城址の紅葉3-Autumn colors on castle ruin 3-
海辺の初日の出(前編)-First sunrise at the beach 1(first half)-海辺の初日の出(後編)-First sunrise at the beach 1(second half)-